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Online Casinos in general: How is it going in July 2017? Money-hungry whore or generous gentleman?

Topic created on 30th Jun. 2017 | Page: 1 of 4 | Answers: 35 | Views: 5,620
June will start tomorrow and many surely want to share their personal winning or losing experiences in Online Casinos, gambling houses or casinos here in the forum. I have not gambled the June and hope that I survive the July also abstinent. But since I'll be in Germany for the first 13 days, I certainly won't be able to avoid gambling altogether. I mean, I'd like to stay away from gambling. But the problem is that in Germany I constantly encounter Slot machines even on the bow ...

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the thread name is already perfect !
Well we will see what July brings so ! I for my part will limit myself this month also very much what the zocken concerns !
My limit is for month July at most 200,00 € and in which OC's I split the I do not know yet!
Anyway one thing is clear !
StarGames will not get one cent more!

Last night still 100.00 deposited !

Zero profit, zero FS ...just perversely eaten down ... within 20 minutes !

If you consider how long and varied you can play with 100.00 there at Netent,Quickspin,Microgaming etc...?

Well on it goes ...


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Total loss of 1200 euros. No payout and on average 4-5 deposits a 50-100 euros so that I get on 10 cents free spins

Runs absolutely bomb for me. This is actually the first Monbat by I have not made a single Auszhalung

The last few months I have at least (even if it was still losses) made withdrawals. But this month is ruining me or has ruined me.

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Well, if I look back at the last 3 years, July was always the worst profit month of the whole year. In August, the profits started to accumulate again.

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redriver67 wrote on 30.06.2017 at 16:03: Well if I look back once the last 3 years, July was always the worst profit month of the whole year. Then in August the profits piled up again.

Actually, that's bullshit but I personally noticed that. When I look back over the years, I often have months where things go well and months where things go badly. With me were (almost) always good: August, November, January, February
However, one should get out of the habit of this thinking, because it can also lead to heavy losses. I have already lost heavily in November because of this thinking. My "subconscious superstition" told me that November MUST be good and profits must come. So I deposited more than I normally would have. Actually stupid, because I should know better - but well, I am also a gambler. And even the most rational person, loses when gambling from time to time the reference to reality ...

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Daniel? Can you also be locked here for threads! Little fun!

I can understand this way of thinking with the player myths quite and with me there was earlier similar conspiracy theory in online Poker ala Doomswitch at Pokerstars. The myth was widespread at the time and after the 20 Bad Beat I did not want to explain it to myself otherwise.

But what I can not understand that if you think you know that you can only lose in a certain month anyway that you then still play? Sure you should generally eh always assume that you lose, but to assume that in some months win is virtually not possible, is then again what

Furthermore, I would be interested to know who has really kept so accurate book to be able to say exactly in which month he has lost over the years what? Because the avoidable memory deceives one there also gladly times, because if one builds up such a picture then one builds up fast also the past in such a way together that it fits into the own picture

What is also often the case with players and with me was also always so, that one calculates the profits (because they are larger than the deposits) in relation to the invested money beautifully. This means that you are aware that you have paid out, for example, 1000 euros. But you are not aware that you have bought 25x 50€ PSCs in one month. One thinks then thus one would have made a profit, actually is it however not so. One says then also always beautifully to itself or to Zockerkumpel, I have won 1000 euros... The net loss for the month was -250€.

I can really only advise everyone to start keeping records. There are also a few free apps with which you can keep a good record of what you spend on what. Of course, you can also record gambling losses and profits.

You should just despite everything also still make aware that the expected value is always a negative and a loss is therefore the normal case in gambling. So the "generous gentleman" is gambling actually never, or only with the ulterior motive that he will repeat the money and even more

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The generous gentleman gives the dough and the money-grubbing street whore then takes it back. So if I win at sunmaker in July and then lose at StarGames, then Sunmaker was the generous gentleman and Stargames was the dirty, filthy, money-grubbing street whore.

You can have a lucky streak and really pick up and be 1-2 months thick in the plus. But if you gamble as long as I do, you will only recoup your losses with a mega Jackpot hit. You can't make up for the global losses as a long-term player anyway and I think most people here know that. Most of them also know that they will lose 90% or more if they continue to gamble. But they still gamble because it's fun and many also because they are addicted. In the former case, fun gambling is ok, even if it is an expensive hobby. Your intention is good but I think you are more naive than they really are.

With the conspiracy theories. I think you have already explained it to many players and here is how a Slot machine works and rips us off. And I have talked to a wide variety of players both in Germany and Malta (players from every walk of life and education). But my experience is that once a thought or superstition has taken root, it's hard to convince people otherwise.

As I said, I must have talked 100 times with a player at Dragonara Casino and explained how the boxes work. But every time I got tips like: "Don't play there, they opened the machine today" or "the machine is new, you can't win anything" or "the machine is hot, someone gambled away 5.000€ yesterday". Even if I then played and won on all machines except the "hot" one, the same theories came the next time.

But despite these theories, all players know that they lose in the long run. But these theories are just somehow part of it ...

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No, I don't think that people are more naive, I just think that people should be more aware of some things (sounds strange, but that's how it is )

The things I have addressed and it is also absolutely right to see gambling as a hobby (I say forever) and to have fun and lose money. Only one should, so that it does not become an addiction, either consciously Deposit (with bookkeeping and compliance with the limits) or play consciously at any time (which some may be more difficult and some things you would have to make yourself aware when playing would also spoil the fun a bit)

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I have been playing in OC for 4-5 years now. I have also had many super profits. But I'm not naive enough to think that I'm only close to being in the black. One talks himself the profits always beautifully, there I give you already right. The one weeks before perhaps the zigfache has deposited one sees no more or has it suppressed. There would have to come as Daniel already says a Jackpot profit to be able to say with certainty that one is the zigfache in plus. Also what Tom says with the accounting of profit / loss is a good tip. Only do that probably the fewest, then would come namely the truth to light what one has shoved the OC so over the years in the ass. Believe there would be some no longer among us because they would have hit the blow. Me certainly also therefore I let that rather be

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