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Casino stream on Twitch
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I'm just wondering if your posts are sarcasm, cynicism or even a serious opinion? Apored, MiiMi...? Okay
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Casino stream on Twitch
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Just type in apology to Apored in Youtube and you'll get hours of delicious video footage
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Casino stream on Twitch
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I'd rather not xD
Because of the Personalized ads as well as by typing in search terms, Youtube would specifically suggest this stuff to me in the future
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Casino stream on Twitch
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Good call ^^
YouTube I watched at that time for tut
Today YouTube is only grist
Pair of good dokus you can find there but otherwise you can not give you that
Look at me like emigrants who live in the U.S. or so adventurers but these kids with their fake shit or these people who think to argue in public and to blaspheme like little bitc....s lol
Who is older than 18 and watches something like this
Has too much boredom haha
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Casino stream on Twitch
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On Youtube one finds actually everything, nevertheless the search in the past years by the filtering massively one limited =/
Especially with the topic of politics/research/history, because as a rule, mainly "Verified" channels are displayed
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Casino stream on Twitch
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@Royal my argument was that it is not nearly as lucrative in German-speaking countries (DACH) as you claimed. Sure, with such a deal you earn more than with a normal job, but you have to consider that you put your reputation on the line and that's too risky in my opinion, which is why I think it's one of the many reasons why there are not so many big OC streamers in Germany.
There will be a reason why Knossi and Monte pulled out of it and they certainly didn't have bad deals. I estimate min 20.000€ per month, if not much more. Even on the highest tax bracket you are left with over 10,000€ a month. Find a job where you earn that much monthly.
I took Apored as an example to make some points clear. At some point it is over and then they all sit there with nothing. There are some who dropped out of college or even school to do YouTube full time. Alright, dropping out of college won't break your neck, but if you dropped out of school/training without a degree, then you're sitting there with no degree at 30+. I can tell you that you are then only qualified for unskilled jobs. I myself am studying and in the beginning I got one rejection after another for poplish office jobs and the jobs were not demanding. Any monkey could have done them.
You don't seem to watch much YouTube (no offense), which is why I'm explaining what's been going on the last few years. Many didn't make provisions and enjoyed the life of luxury like there was no tomorrow. At some point the tax office came knocking and demanded taxes. Some could just manage that, some had to sell many of your cars/houses because of that (Apored). Many emigrated to Madeira not for nothing. Has already had a reason (cough cough Fiskus). Some Youtuber have invested haphazardly in things because they thought it would be profitable, but it was a flop. Either the products were shit or the manufacturing costs were too high.
OCs are also not only socially, but legally unwelcome. Something like on Twitch can happen again and again and then the contracts are adjusted and you might get a much worse deal because of the censorship of the name. Also, I think the Americans are a little more relaxed about it. Think of Las Vegas. I also know some Americans who are relaxed about the issue. Even for a middle-aged woman, the subject of casinos is still morally okay.
@gamble the move is exactly that he doesn't stand up for it and apologize for it. If the guy had shown a little dignity, the whole thing would have been half bad. But since he continues to insist on being rich, he gets the corresponding bills
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Casino stream on Twitch
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10.000€, that's about the net sum we moderators state Monte had also once published figures, if I remember correctly it was an 8-digit sum.
Your mentioned 20.000€ you can already earn with a few hundred "customers"...
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Casino stream on Twitch
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I do not have exact numbers, which is why I have only estimated roughly.
What I do know is that the topic of casinos is difficult in Germany. Germany is very conservative and, as I mentioned, a country full of prejudices. If your reputation is gone, then that can bring serious consequences. Will not be only because of that, but it is one of the reasons.
Example Apored: in one of his last videos he promoted a game (Genshin Impact). As a result, many people have complained to the sponsor with the reason Apored is a cheat, liar, etc.. He was also accused of something bad (read up on Apored/Silvi Carlsson. then you know what I'm talking about). Long story short, the sponsor cancelled the contract and Apored lost a source of income as a result. I can assure you that it won't be an isolated case and if I as a company would want to make a deal with e.g. Knossi, then I would do some research on the person and it doesn't leave a good impression when playing casino or being associated with the topic. I think, there one considers then well whether one wants to be brought with it in connection. Would be too dangerous for me personally, without considering the legal situation.
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There is the one or other video of Monte to the failed casino deal. The decisive factor was the broadcasting license, since both people, Knossi as well as Monte, are not considered per se as streamers.
As I said, I don't think you know how lucrative and diverse the business is. Whether your image / reputation is damaged by it is not relevant, at least not in the business...
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Casino stream on Twitch
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I read up a bit and such a license costs 10k p.a.. Would not be expensive, even if you have to pay a youth protection officer
I read a few articles out of curiosity and many are also sure that he stopped because of the legal situation with the casino streams. As I said, social aspect + uncertain legal situation were/are the main reason that there are not so big OC streamers like Xposed, Adin Ross or Roshstein in Germany.
" Casino streams: If MontanaBlack would live in Malta, he could continue his casino streams, which were enormously successful in 2019, but are no longer broadcast by him for various reasons. Jens "Knossi" Knossalla also announced earlier this year that he would no longer be streaming gambling. He would rather set a good example and "leave this world with a good feeling at some point". With MontanaBlack, however, it seems to be less the bad conscience, but rather the legal situation of such casino streams in Germany." (Source: MontanaBlack: Broadcasting license, high taxes & casino streams: Monte considers emigrating to Malta (playcentral.de))
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