The skills shortage is a critical issue in all sectors of the economy. The gaming industry is no exception. Experts can often only be recruited through extraordinary recruitment campaigns. Casino Stuttgart recently even went to the university.

We hear and read everywhere about an exorbitant shortage of skilled workers. The so-called skills shortage is no longer confined to certain occupations or sectors. The shortage now affects virtually every sector of the economy and every profession - from manual trades and administrative jobs to higher education. The gaming industry is also in desperate need of qualified staff, as Patrik Maier, director of the Stuttgart casino, recently revealed to the press.

The reason for his statement is a special recruitment campaign organised by his company. In search of new dealers and croupiers, the casino went to the city's university to recruit trainees.

This is how the casino Stuttgart promotion looks like

The 2023/24 winter semester at the University of Stuttgart began in mid-October. To mark the occasion, student employees at the local casino launched a special advertising campaign. They approached their fellow students in the university canteen and told them about the possibility of a lucrative part-time job in the gambling industry.

The potential employer was, of course, casino Stuttgart. The casino set up a small information stand and advertising banners, and used the recruitment campaign to try and recruit trainees to work as croupiers or dealers. The campaign was a complete success.

The initiators and the local staff were able to convince 15 students of their offer. The training programme started at the beginning of November and covers the "subjects" of Blackjack (also known here as 21) and Punto Banco (a variant of Baccarat). Ten of the prospective dealers will pass the final exam, which will take place on 27 November 2023. Those who pass will receive their employment contracts on 1 December.

The shortage of skilled labour is a serious issue for the gaming industry

Figures from the local Chamber of Industry and Commerce are also presented in the context of the Stuttgart casino's recruitment campaign. According to these figures, the shortage of skilled workers is a significant business risk for one in three companies in Baden-Württemberg. The number of skilled workers is expected to fall by around 30 per cent by 2035 due to demographic factors. Catering and related services, including the gambling industry, will be severely affected by this development.

Patrik Maier points out that casinos in particular are dependent on qualified staff. It is the employees who bring the game to life. They create a gaming culture and live experiences. This cannot be compared to playing at home in front of a screen. The personal aspect is very important. Guests are welcomed and people meet. Visitors should feel comfortable and confident that they are playing in a trustworthy environment. The staff at the tables, bars, reception and service are fundamental to creating the right conditions. Maier describes this interaction as "part of the DNA of casinos".

Win-win situation for casino and students

Patrik Maier talks specifically about the benefits and opportunities for both the casino and the students:"The shortage of skilled workers also affects casinos. That is why we are going on the offensive and offering training. We offer pleasant working conditions, working hours that fit into a student's day - and good money".
Maier continues: "It's a win-win situation. Students can finance part of their studies with us. We gain skilled workers who are motivated and flexible to support our core team."


The recruitment campaign at casino Stuttgart has obviously been very well received. The graduates of the programme are sure to have some exciting experiences. The liberal attitude of the university is commendable. Of course, casinos are normal and legal businesses. Nevertheless, some universities would probably be reluctant to accept such an application.

Image source: Screenshot von

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