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Off-topic area there is also with us and this is there to talk about off-topic.
We do our best, unfortunately we can not always help successfully, because our influence is unfortunately also limited.
Yes, while it is hard to give something away. Not because we are stingy, but because people can't handle it. Eventually it will become more but we don't know how to implement that without total chaos breaking out here
I can assure you that the user "BookOfRa" has nothing to do with us. The user has opened this topic in other forums as well. We are the only ones who are now defending ourselves against bigger companies (names I am not allowed to name but you can guess) and not letting them censor us (at least not voluntarily). Massive pressure is being exerted and unfortunately this is currently costing us quite a bit of money (almost 4-digit lawyer's fees). In principle, this story is negative for the entire industry - regardless of whether it is all true as it was written or not, and it has a negative impact on our sales in the short term and currently overall, because users are currently disgusted with online casinos.
If it was just me and my personal feelings / tastes or whatever, then I would delete this thread even, because it is simply currently a lot of work, nerves and money costs in the background and overall not safe for us - in addition, we verscherzen it with one of our financiers. I also find some contributions and reactions of the users in this thread not particularly nice. Especially that people feel cheated by Ct24 just because the operator is underage. What I don't understand is why age changes anything after the fact? Those who liked Ct24 certainly didn't like it because of the age of the operator, but because of the content. Now he is soon 18 anyway and the child has already fallen into the well. If someone is to blame, then the father and if the accusations against the casino are true, then of course the casino must expect consequences and then a partnership would also be terminated from our side.
We will delete the thread voluntarily only if the user "BookofRa" expressly requests this or if our lawyer who has been dealing with this case for several days advises us to do so.
There is currently a lot going on in the background and it is quite possible that we will have to delete the thread at some point. The problem is simply that we are based in Malta. If the thread had been opened in a German-speaking forum (perhaps not on the subject of gambling), this question would not even arise. I have also explained to everyone involved that deletion would lead to such a reaction and N**i and Stasi methods in the digital age tend to have an even more negative effect.
We delete contributions (or parts of a contribution) only if personal rights are violated, these contributions violate applicable laws or are senselessly offensive. Even if defamatory statements are fundamentally wrong and there is no substance behind them, we would consider deleting them. We would also delete threads if the thread creator explicitly requested it.
If someone creates a thread and there was a deleted answer to it, then this answer has so far always been deleted only by the member himself and not by us!
This was the first time we deleted replies (because they were off topic). In principle, this was a mistake on our part and I apologize for it. In the future, we will point out to users that we should get back on topic and only delete off-topic posts if our hint is not followed.
We are only human and make mistakes, but also admit them.
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